Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Rap Up 2008

I'm still on pseudo-vacation mode (interviewing roommates and such) but I had to come out of low-content mode for this. One of my favorite parts of looking forward to NYE for the last few years is Skillz's The Rap Up series, and I'm glad he's kept his year-in-review going this long. This year's edition is quality, probably due to the supreme amount of material he had to work with. There's plenty of quotables (my favorites: "It's time for a change/So don't go tryin' to turn inauguration into an All-Star game," and pretty much every line where he folded in soundbytes, like the R. Kelly joint), so enjoy.

Skillz - 2008 Rap Up

Be safe out there this evening, and I'll see y'all next year. Thanks for following me so far, and I'll have bigger and better stuff for you in the new year.

Bonus: The Rap Up (got its name from the series, natch) linked up 2002-2006 last year when 2007 came out. Peep it here. 2002 is soooo classic.

Updated: Just as I was trying to find my copies of '02 and '04 so I could zip up the lot and give 'em to you, Rizoh came through with it here.

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